Service Times
The role of Messianic Congregations in the Judaism / Messianic / Christian WorldMany people do not understand the relationship between Judaism / Messianic / Christian beliefs. This brief article will hopefully clarify that relationship from a Messianic Prospective.
Role of Messianic Congregations History For the first 50 years after Messiah died and was resurrected, the majority of believers were Jewish. Estimates run as high as 30%-50% of the population of Jerusalem followed Yeshua. With the introduction of Gentile Believers and the destruction of the Temple; the make-up quickly changed. Within 200 years, Gentiles vastly outnumbered Jews within the body. This lead to the introduction of Hellenistic-pagan teachings, divorcement of scripture from its Jewish roots, and Anti-Semitic practices that lead to the total separation of Christianity from Jewish Thought. This separation lead to the banning of Scriptural Feasts (Passover, etc.), keeping of Shabbat, and any other "Jewish" practice. the final culmination of this anti-Semitism was the crusades, the inquisition, and finally the Holocaust. Messianic Jews or Christians Many Christians, out of lack of understanding, poor teaching, or 1900 years for misinformation, say: "why not just be Christian", or worse accuse Messianic's of legalism. Nothing can be further from the truth. Why should a Jewish person, whose family has followed G-d for 3500 years, remained faithful through persecution, ghettos, inquisitions and bigotry, be forced to renounce who they are to follow their Jewish Messiah! Imagine this scenario, a Jewish family comes to believe Yeshua (Jesus) is the Jewish Messiah, upon visiting a church they are told: stop keeping Shabbat, you can't celebrate Passover, and by the way, have a ham sandwich. clearly this is ludicrous, is believing in Yeshua (Jesus) about denying someone of their culture, or forcing them to eat Ham? Legalism? The wearing of Tallit, keeping Shabbat, or keeping Kosher is not legalism as many charge, for no one is saying it is a requirement for a relationship with G-d, or for forgiveness of sins. Following G-d's commands and living a Torah observant Lifestyle is not about earning G-d's Love, for it is freely given through His Messiah. Living a Torah observant Lifestyle is about walking in the steps of His Messiah, who perfectly kept Torah, who Loved Torah and Who is the Living Torah. Many in the Church wear bracelets with "WWJD" (What would Jesus Do), we as Messianic Believers choose to do just that, Live as Yeshua Lived, and wants us to Live. To present ourselves as living sacrifices, Holy and pleasing unto Adonai. Our role as Messianic's The role of the Messianic Congregation is multi-faceted,
including: Has the Church replaced Isra'el & the fate of our Jewish Brothers & Sisters The teaching that Isra'el has been replaced by the Church is at it's root, Anti-Semetic, and goes against all of the promises of G-d. While there are men that hold that view who are able teachers, whow I respect. We categorically deny this teaching. It is critical that the church understand, that the descendents of Abraham are the chosen people of G-d, and that the grafted in Gentiles have in no way replaced them. Only the Jews have the promise, that "all Isra'el will be saved". Legalism - Never, Holiness & Love - Always |
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