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Jewish / Gentile & Judaism / Messianic / ChristianMany people do not understand the relationship between Jewish / Messianic / Church. This brief artcile will hopefully clarify that relationship from a Messianic Prospective.Jewish or Judaism? People often equate Jewish with Judaism, but that is not always correct. A person born of Jewish Parents is ethnically Jewish (Rabbinical definition is the mother must be Jewish, while Scripture clearly identifies the father, or in the case of the B'rit Chadasha (New or Renewed Covenant), either (as is seen with the circumcision of Timothy whose mother was Jewish, but father Greek). By the law of return - a person who has Jewish blood from either grandparent my return to Isra'el). Judaism on the other hand is a religion based on worship of the one true G-d, and is the root and basis for both Messianic & Christian beliefs. Gentile or Christian? People often equate Gentile with Christian (non-Jewish), but that is also not always correct. A person born of non-Jewish Parents is a Gentile. Thus Buddhists, Moslems, etc. are also Gentile (the meaning is nations) Christianity on the other hand is a religion based on worship of the one true G-d, and the acceptance of His son Jesus as the Christ (Messiah). Possibilities
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