Service Times
| Feasts of The L-rd
By Cameron,
Passover, celebrated on the 14th of Nisan (April 5th in 2004). the Zroah, which means outstretched arm (the method of cooking the sacrificed lamb), the afikomen, which means He came, a piece of Matzah, broken, wrapped in a linen napkin, and hidden to be “brought back” after dinner, the Matzah Tosh, a 3 chamber bag holding 3 pieces of unleavened bread, symbolizing G-d’s unity. Observance: All leavened bread
is removed from the home, since leaven symbolizes sin.
Elaborate preparations are made for the Seder (order) where the Haggadah
is read. The events of the freeing
of G-d’s people are told, dinner is served, and 4 traditional cups of wine are
Unleavened Bread, celebrated for 7 days, beginning the day after Passover. Prophetic Meaning: Speaks of the burial of Yeshua (Jesus). Observance: Observed as part of Pasach, for 7 days. First Fruits
First Fruits of the Barley Harvest, occurs 3rd day after Pasach (17th) Prophetic Meaning: Speaks of the Resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus), this occurred on Sunday the year Yeshua was resurrected (the first day of the week). Observance: The first barley mature grain was roped off in the field, when the day came, it was harvested and presented by the priest as an offering to Adonai. Giving of the first fruits showed the peoples trust for G-d to provide the harvest. Shavuot
Pentecost, First fruits of the Wheat Harvest, Giving of the Torah to Moshe (Moses) Prophetic Meaning: Speaks of the giving of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Breath or Holy Spirit) at Pentecost. Just as the Torah was given amidst fire, and strong wind, the Ruach HaKodesh was given to believers in the upper room, with fire, and a rushing wind. Observance: The first mature wheat grain was roped off in the field, when the day came, it was harvested and presented by the priest as an offering to Adonai. Giving of the first fruits showed the peoples trust for G-d to provide the harvest. Rosh Hashanah
Feast of Trumpets, sounding of the Trumpets, and beginning of the Jewish civil year (as opposed to the biblical year). This begins the Days of Awe, 10 days of repentance in preparation for the Day of Atonement. Prophetic Meaning: Speaks of the future rapture of believers from the earth with Yeshua appearing in the clouds, and calling all His children to Him by the sounding of a Shofar (trumpet). Observance: The central point of the service is the sounding of the shofar. Some synagogues go to great lengths to find an accomplished shofar blower, known as a “Ba’al Tekiah” since this is not an easy instrument to master. The Ba’al Tekiah is responsible for making over one hundred separate blasts during a traditional service. Scripture does not tell us the number nor the order of these blasts, but rabbinical interpretation from Numbers has determined at least two different notes. Yom Kippur
The Day of Atonement, the most Holy day for Jews worldwide. Prophetic Meaning: Speaks of the future return of the King, Yeshua, to the earth to destroy iniquity from Jacob, and defeat of the forces of the Adversary. Observance: Traditionally on this day, sacrifices were made, and the High Priest imparted all of the sins of the people to the scape goat. Modern observance substitutes the "three T's": “Tefilah,” (prayer), “Teshuvah,” (repentance) and “Tzedakah” (charity). While these are admirable practices they cannot replace G-d's plan of blood atonement. That atonement was made once, for all time, by Yeshua! Sukkot
Tabernacles, dwelling in booths to commemorate the exodus and G-d’s provision for His people. Leviticus 23:42-43 “You are to live in sukkot for seven days; every citizen of Israel is to live in sukkah, so that generation after generation of you will know that I made the people of Israel live in sukkot when I brought them out of the land of Egypt; I am Adonai your God.” Prophetic Meaning: This day is very likely to be the actual birthday of Yeshua (Jesus). Speaks of the future coronation of the King Yeshua and the beginning of the Millennial reign. Observance: Traditionally on this day, booths are made out of natural materials, and each person is the dwell in them for 7 days. Services revolve around the waving of the LuLav (The 4 species), the etrog (citrus) & the Sukkah.
All of G-d’s feast point to the ultimate celebration of all, Yeshua (Jesus) and our salvation through Him. More Details on Feast will follow, as the L-rd allows. Baruch BeShem Yeshua (Blessings in the name of Jesus), Shalom! |
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